annual report 2020-2021

We Are CSE



AAAS Fellow

Stefan Savage

Biemann Medal

Nuno Bandeira

Test of Time (ICAR)

Mihir Bellare

Intel Rising Star Award

Nadia Polikarpova

NSF Career

Deian Stefan

Test of Time (AITO)

William Griswold

NSF Career

Sicun Gao

Research "GEMS" of PODS

Victor Vianu

HIghlights 2020-2021

Letter from the Chair

Department Chair Sorin Lerner talks about CSE emerging from the pandemic

CSE Impact

We've influenced automotive cybersecurity and COVID-19 research and more.

CSE Welcomes New Faculty

Two new members join the distinguished community of UC San Diego CSE faculty

CSE Students

In the ocean or CSE labs, our students have many waves they can ride to success

CSE Research Highlights

Our research spans from AI and ERs to DeepFakes and Autism

Alumni Community

CSE alumni help shape the field of AI, the future of data science and forge new frontiers


“As I begin my second year as chair of UC San Diego’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering, we are starting to emerge from the depths of a global pandemic. But some things have remained the same: our commitment to conducting impactful research and to educating the thought leaders of a digital tomorrow.”

Chair / Professor, CSE
UC San Diego

copyright 2020 – Computer Science & Engineering – University of California San Diego