Alumni Community

CSE Alumni CommunitY

Want to learn more about our CSE Alumni? Check out our annual CSE Alumni Magazine!



Mountaineer, Explorer and Howard Professor

Newly minted CSE Ph.D. Jeremy Blackstone (’21) has trekked back to his undergraduate roots at Howard University, this time as a professor. Before that journey, he was part of CSE Professor Ryan Kastner’s research group and a member of the Engineers for Exploration (E4E).


Ranjita Bhagwan

2020 ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman Award

Ranjita Bhagwan (Ph.D. ’10) was honored with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)’s inaugural 2020 ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman Award. The award recognizes women professionals who have made fundamental contributions to computing in India.


Alexandra Boldyreva

PKC Test of Time Award

Alexandra Boldyreva, a professor at Georgia Tech, has won a PKC Test of Time Award for work she completed as a CSE PhD student in 2003.


Joseph Jaeger

CRYPTO 2020 Award

Joseph Jaeger (Ph.D. ’19) captures CRYPTO 2020 Award for the Best Paper by Early Career Researchers Award.


Tom Ristenpart

Distinguished Paper Awards at the Usenix Security Symposium

Tom Ristenpart (Ph.D. ’10), an associate professor at Cornell Tech, was honored with two distinguished paper awards at the Usenix Security Symposium.


Angelique Taylor

Facebook Reality Labs Research

Angelique Taylor (Ph.D.  ’21) is a Visiting Research Scientist at Facebook Reality Labs Research and will start her  appointment as assistant professor at Cornell University in summer 2022.


Didem Unat

European Research Council
Starting Grant

Didem Unat (Ph.D. ’12), now an assistant professor at Koc University in Turkey, was awarded a prestigious €1.5 million European Research Council Starting Grant for her project BeyondMoore: Pioneering a New Path in Parallel Programming Beyond Moore’s Law.

copyright 2020 – Computer Science & Engineering – University of California San Diego