faculty honors

CSE FACULTY honors 2020-2021

CSE faculty receive national recognition for contributions to their fields and society

Stefan Savage

Professor Stefan Savage is among the 252 artists, scholars, scientists and leaders in the public, non-profit and private sector to have been elected to the 2021 class of American Academy of Arts and Sciences—one of the oldest and most esteemed honorary societies in the nation. Savage is a cybersecurity researcher who holds an expansive view of the field.


Nuno Bandeira

Associate Professor Nuno Bandeira has been honored with the American Society for Mass Spectrometry’s 2021 Biemann Medal for his efforts to create a search engine for mass spec data, which could advance research and drug discovery.


Nadia Polikarpova

Assistant Professor Nadia Polikarpova was awarded the Intel Rising Star award for her work on program synthesis and program verification, with a specific focus on developing programming tools that incorporate human-centric design.


Mihir Bellare

Professor Mihir Bellare has been honored with an IACR Test of Time Award for his Crypto 2006 paper: New Proofs for NMAC and HMAC: Security Without Collision-Resistance.


Victor Vianu

Professor Victor Vianu presented at the ACM SIGMOD Principles of Database Systems (PODS) as part of Gems of PODS series. His talk described his work on database query languages inspired by logic programming, which started in 1988 and spanned almost a decade.


William Griswold

Professor William Griswold has received his second test of time award for groundbreaking work. This time, he was honored by the Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets (AITO) for his 2001 paper on the AspectJ programming language, an aspect-oriented extension of Java.


Deian Stefan and Sicun Gao

Assistant Professors Deian Stefan and Sicun Gao have been awarded prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grants from the National Science Foundation to support their work to build secure computer systems and safer autonomous systems.

copyright 2020 – Computer Science & Engineering – University of California San Diego