annual report 2023

Imagine cse


1/3 of all uc san diego graduating undergrads take a cs class
Largest M.S. Program at UC San Diego
Largest Ph.D. Program at UC San Diego

New cse faculty

Raj Ammanabrolu

Machine Learning, Language Models 

Yufei Ding

Quantum Computing

Deepak Kumar

Online Safety

Qipeng Liu

Quantum Computing

Lianhui Qin

Machine Learning, Language Models


National Academy of Engineering

Stefan Savage

National Science Foundation CAREER

Albert Chern, Tzu-Mao Li, Aaron Schulman, Jingbo Shang, Hao Su

Amazon Research Award

Sean Gao, Yiying Zhang, Jishen Zhao

Army Early Career Program Award

Rose Yu

Frontiers of Science Award

Ravi Ramamoorthi

World's Most Highly Cited Researchers

Rob Knight, Pavel Pevzner 

HIghlights 2022-2023


CSE Research + Impact

A $50.5M center to make computing faster and more efficient, seminal research in graphics rendering, and tackling security and e-waste.



CSE investigates many aspects of the Artificial Intelligence landscape. Our faculty are producing leading research in the world-changing realm of AI.

Student + Alumni Community

Our students and alumni are recognized by some of the world's most prominent science and tech organizations.

Letter from the chair

What a year this has been! We continued our large educational mission to majors, non-majors, MS students and PhD students; we had a long and successful faculty recruiting season; we started several large centers, including the $10 million EnCORE center and the $52 million PRISM center; and we celebrated our 35th anniversary with pride and excitement. As the world is upended by ChatGPT and Generative AI, CSE is ready, with a vibrant group of at least 17 faculty in Artificial Intelligence and 6 in Natural Language Processing. With a total of over 30 hires in the last 10 years, in new areas like CS+Health, Quantum Computing, and Generative AI, we are yet again shaping ourselves to be leaders in computing for the next 20 years.

Chair / Professor
CSE UC San Diego

copyright 2020-2023 – Computer Science & Engineering – University of California San Diego